Why do you get out of bed in the morning? What motivates you to pursue your career? Is your career pursuing a worthwhile goal? These 9 lessons from start with why? is perfect for you.
The majority of people lack solid responses to these queries. Perhaps this explains why we frequently experience unhappiness, restlessness, or apathy at work. People today desire more than just a means of subsistence; we desire to contribute to something greater than ourselves.
According to Simon Sinek, we need to connect our job to a larger purpose or deeper significance. He claims that “beginning with why” will help us become better managers, leaders, or business owners. Companies like Apple, Starbucks, and Southwest Airlines that “start with why” succeed in their field. They have a deeper mission than just selling wonderful things. Along with selling top-notch goods, they also support a more significant cause that resonates with customers and draws them in.
Simon Sinek, who is he?
Author, motivational speaker, and strategist Simon Sinek all work together. His first TED talk, which received over 50 million views, made him well-known in the corporate world. That lecture was later developed into the bestseller Start With Why.

We envision a society in which the vast majority of people wake up inspired, feel comfortable wherever they are, and end the day fulfilled by the work they perform, as stated by Simon on his website . To me, that future is fantastic!
This article can serve as an introduction to Simon Sinek’s principles of excellent leadership if you haven’t read the book or watched any of his speeches yet.
9 lessons from start with why?
Following are lessons from start with why?
- The Golden Circle
- Financial gain or profit is not a “Why”
- Listening Is the First Step in Communication
- Maintain the purpose
- The Influence of Belief
- The Secret to Influencing People Is Inspiration
- Inspire, not manipulate
- The Two Tradespeople
1) The Golden Circle
In general, leaders decide based on their goals, then they concentrate on the actions necessary to reach those goals. We all understand how crucial it is to conduct business properly, but should those acts be your main focus?
Not at all…
According to Simon Sinek, you must first understand why you are acting in the first place. The importance of this cannot be overstated. First of all, choosing the appropriate course for your company is not always simple. Knowing your “why” provides alignment and aids in determining the best course of action. Your “why” can also serve as a never-ending source of inspiration. Wealth, position, and other factors are transient motivators. They are not trustworthy. Long-term, you can’t rely on them… But if you keep your eye on your goals and your true motivations, you’ll be unstoppable.

The Golden Circle—WHY, HOW, WHAT—describes how values are incorporated into choices made for products and behavior of people. Every rationale begins with WHY, whether it’s choosing Ho Hos over Snowballs or launching a civil rights campaign.
The Golden Circle, as described by Simon Sinek, is centered on your “why.” The “how” is in the second outer circle, while the “what” is in the last circle.
What does this look like in reality, then?
Consider a prosperous firm like Apple as an illustration. Its goals fully encapsulate the Golden Circle’s three pillars.
People are aware that Apple promotes unconventional thinking. The business strives for innovation at every turn. This explains “why.” Apple aspires to encourage creativity among its employees, customers, and individuals all across the world.
Pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology is the “how.” Apple has positioned itself at the forefront of cutting-edge technology with everything from the design to the functions of its products.
The actual goods and services that Apple provides are the “what” in the end. Apple respects the “how” and “why” of any product adjustments that are made.
A business should approach growth from this angle if it wants to succeed. You should hold onto your essential principles as you change. It gives you an advantage over others in your field and sets you apart from them. If you want to know some more about golden circle, our article Student Life: How to get most of it is about it.
2. Financial gain or profit is not a “Why”
Money is not a “why” and is never the factor that determines a company’s success. Thinking about the “why,” or the reason you get out of bed in the morning, leads to innovation.
When an organization is in trouble, they frequently focus solely on producing money and surviving. Profits are crucial, but what really matters are a company’s principles, beliefs, and distinctive practices that set them apart. The same is true for people.

In the book, Simon Sinek tells the tales of Martin Luther King Jr., Apple, Wal-Mart, Costco, Starbucks, and a few more companies.
“Imagine if every organization started with Why. Decisions would be simpler. Loyalties would be greater. Trust would be a common currency.”
3. Listening Is the First Step in Communication
Pay attention to your audience. A basic element like a logo may say a lot about a firm, thus it is important to consider how it is viewed. For instance, the motorcycle manufacturer Harley Davidson has benefited enormously from its emblem, which appeals to adventure seekers and bikers alike.
“Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it.”
-simon sinek-
It is really beneficial to pay attention to and study your rivals.

In his “Celery Test,” the author uses the question, “What do humans need to grow?” as an illustration. a wide range of healthy foods, but not all of them are necessary. Similar to this, you will develop your own list of variables that your business should take into account when you study your competitors and pay attention to what your audience wants.
Another new type of competition is when an individual works to better himself. Although you are your own best rival, you should still pay attention to those around you in order to make wiser decisions.
4) Maintain the purpose
Sinek cautions that defining the purpose of your company is insufficient. Additionally, you must keep it moving, especially throughout periods of change.
One of Sinek’s examples was Walmart. After the death of its founder in 1992, the company lost sight of its mission to serve both customers and employees. The consequences, in the form of litigation against underpaid workers, were expensive.
There are more factors that affect the why, such as persuading people through strategies that undermine trust. Making sure that your team members really live and breathe your why is the only way to achieve great success.
Southwest, a firm that consistently ranks among the Best Places to Work on Glassdoor, is an example of a brand that does this well.The airline’s content employees make everyone who interacts with their brand happy, and the employees themselves feel more liberated to innovate in service of a common goal.
5) The Influence of Belief
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”
-simon sinek
Building trust in people and in organizations happens when the “what,” “how,” and “why” are all in line. When a person is a part of a culture that aligns with their values and beliefs, they perform at their best.
“If there were no trust…no one would take risks. No risks would mean no exploration, no experimentation and no advancement of the society.”
– Simon Sinek
He uses Apple as an illustration of a company that has built enormous customer trust by adhering to its corporate values. Although other technology companies may produce quality products as well, Apple has a strong following among consumers because of its innovative spirit.
6) The Secret to Influencing People Is Inspiration
The author discusses how inspiration functions more effectively than manipulation.
Manipulation techniques include lowering the price, utilizing blinking messages, instilling fear, applying peer pressure, and marketing produce short-term profits but increase costs over time. The secret to persuading people, developing an image, and forging a strong bond with your audience is to let people know what actually motivates you and why you want to sell a product.
Great leaders…inspire people to act…Those who truly lead…create a following of people who act not because they were swayed, but because they were inspired.
Simon Sinek
7) Inspire, not manipulate
A lot of business advice is around rewarding our clients and staff. “Manipulations” is what Simon calls these. People should be driven to purchase your goods because they honestly believe they need them and agree with the message it conveys.

Incentives for clients
Through incentives like coupons, discounts, and limited-time deals, customers often persuaded to make purchases
Although these strategies may be effective in the short term, they could ultimately ruin a company. A large discount will result in an increase in sales, which will improve the quarterly report. Discounts, however, can also teach consumers to never pay full price and to always hold off until the next big deal. This suggests that overusing manipulations will inevitably result in our product becoming a low-profit commodity.
Take note of how many of the most powerful brands, including Apple, Disney, and Nintendo, purposefully steer clear of big or regular deals. Instead, their dedication to their objective motivates clients to make purchases all year round.
Employee rewards
Incentives like bonuses and raises are frequently used to motivate workers to put in more effort.
“If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.”
–simon sinek–
However, it is difficult to keep excellent personnel with incentives. If your employees are just there because of the money, then they are all always just one better offer away from quitting. Employees who are proud to work for a company because it shares their beliefs, on the other hand, will stick with it. For instance, the majority of animal shelter employees—would they leave their jobs for a little bit more pay? Your approach to luring and keeping excellent talent will change if you start with why. It’s about giving them a sense of purpose in life and a sense of belonging to something significant. True leadership looks like this.
8) The Two Tradespeople
The best narrative in the book by Sinek is about two craftsmen. They spend years laying bricks together to construct a cathedral that won’t be finished in their lifetimes. The first man does the barest minimum amount of work—lining bricks every day—because he dislikes his job. The second man work motivated him the first is doing to complete his mission and build the cathedral. The latter employee performs better because he has a sense of purpose and believes in his goal.
“Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them.”
–simon sinek-
9) Make a Plan and Find a Partner
While a visionary or dreamer is crucial for many businesses to get off the ground, Sinek points out that successful businesses will also need sound plans to follow in order to maximize their success. As a result, pairing a dreamer or “why” person with a more grounded or methodical “how” person is frequently a wise decision.

Start With Why is deserving of the attention it has been receiving ever since it originally came out, as you can see. It is packed with advice on leadership you should probably add it to your reading list. But first, examine your company to determine if you’re currently using some of Sinek’s suggestions. If not, begin as soon as you have the chance. It can improve both your leadership style and business.
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