How sleep can help you improve your grade

The Positivation

Yes, just by getting more sleep or better sleep!

Have you ever considered that getting more sleep could help you perform better in school?

Sleep is essential for improving memory and learning, as well as for our capacity to learn after a long day.

"The brain begins to work when we go to sleep"

"The brain begins to work when we go to sleep"

Diane Toroian Keaggy

Tips to make most of your sleep

Here are some tips that will be helpful you to make most of your sleep. This will be effective for achieving good grades

Only get eight hours of sleep each night. Adults in excellent health need to sleep for a minimum of seven hours every night. Most people can only sleep for eight hours at a time and yet feel rested.

Stick to regular bedtimet

Stick to regular bedtimet

-Keep your space cool, quiet, and dark. - If you are exposed to light in the evening, it could be more difficult to fall asleep. -Avoid using light-emitting screens for too long before going to bed.

Establish a peaceful environment

Establish a peaceful environment

Adopt good sleep hygiene that considers the two additional foundations of health, exercise and diet. For instance, be sure to get enough water, avoid eating a big meal right before bed, limit your caffeine and alcohol intake, and exercise.

Good sleep hygiene

Good sleep hygiene

Prior to going to bed, try to allay any worries or concerns. Write down your thoughts and put them aside for the next day. Stress reduction may be beneficial.

Control Anxiety

Control Anxiety

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